Reads a file with a format supported by Fiona. Extracts all the points and add it to the point list.
infile (str) : The file name
inlayer (str) : The layer in the file where applicable
Todo: Provide option to breakdown LineStrings and Polygon to points. Do I need to check for point duplication? Easy, but will require a new dependency, rtree.
Parameters: outfile (str) : The file name of the output file. If not specified it will be named concave_hull
outlayer (str): The name of the layer in the output file where applicable
driver (str) : See table above on possible driver options Only drivers with w in the mode can be used. Drivers other than the ‘mainstream’ my vary in success.
crs (str) : the coordinate reference system in WKT format. Not essential
perc (float) : Will calculate the concave hull using this percentile on the triangle edges. See the estimate method in ConcaveHull.
tol (float) : Will calculate the concave hull using this length tolerance. See the calculatehull method in ConcaveHull.